King Edward VII at Rufford Abbey, c 1905

Image ID: 09192

King Edward VII at Rufford Abbey, c 1905

Rufford Abbey

Edward VII was born on November 9, 1841, the eldest son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. He married Princess Alexandra of Denmark in 1863 and they had three sons and three daughters. Queen Victoria would not involve Edward, Prince of Wales, in official government matters and Edward chose to indulge in a wild social life becoming implicated more than once in divorce cases. Edward succeeded to the throne upon Victoria's death in 1901, the original Coronation date being set for 26th June 1902, but, due to illness, it was postponed until 9th August 1902. Despite his reputation, Edward VII was committed to his regal role. He played an active part in foreign policy, for example, and despite his social indiscretions was popular as a monarch. Edward died at Sandringham on May 6, 1910, after a series of heart attacks.

Date: 1905

Organisation Reference: NCCE003153


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