Collingham British Legion, 21st birthday party 30th January 1954

Image ID: 08923

Collingham British Legion, 21st birthday party 30th January 1954

Courtesy of The Newark Advertiser

Memorial Hall

The picture shows Colonel T.L.C Curtis and Mrs Curtis cutting the anniversary cake to mark 21 years of the Collingham branch of the British Legion. This picture was taken by The Newark Advertiser newspaper which reported the event as follows: It was the 21st birthday of the Collingham branch of the British Legion on Saturday and they celebrated the event with a special family party. About 200 adults and children sat down to tea in the Memorial Hall. There was a birthday cake too, complete with 21 candles. Colonel T.L.C Curtis, who has been president of the branch since its inception was present and Mrs Curtis performed the ceremony of blowing out the candles and of cutting the cake. Games were then enjoyed, followed by an entertainment presented by a Lincoln concert party, 'The Four Quarters'. They gave a varied programme of solos, close harmony, piano duets and a touch of comedy in a slick, professional manner. A film show followed, when a Ronnie Waldman 'Guess What' film was shown, as well as the well-known Alec Guinness picture 'The Man in the White Suit'. High spot of the evening for the children was when each of them received an ice cream and an orange. The party would not have been possible, however, had it not been for the untiring efforts of Mr J Linggard, hon. secretary to the branch, with the support of members of the committee.

Date: 30/01/1954

Organisation Reference: NCCE002882


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