Lady Elinor Denison (1850-1939) of Ossington Hall

Image ID: 08192

Lady Elinor Denison (1850-1939) of Ossington Hall

Ossington Hall

Lady Elinor was the daughter of William Pitt Amherst (2nd Earl Amherst) and Gertrude Percy. She married Capt. William Evelyn Denison, the heir to the Ossington estate, in 1877. He was MP for Nottingham and High Sherrif for the County who died in 1916. Lady Elinor was very involved with the local church at Ossington, often playing the organ at services. She played the traditional 'patroness' and 'lady of the manor' role, opening fetes and supporting charity events, and involved with the Primrose League of the Caunton Habitation, and with the Newark Women's Conservative Association. William and Lady Elinor opened the gardens of Ossington to the public for a few weeks each year. They had one son, who lost his life in World War 1. She also lost her husband during the war years, which must have been particularly hard for her to bare at that time. ( Information extracted from text by Brian W Smith)

Date: 01/06/1984

Organisation Reference: NCCE002000


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