Mayor of Newark and guests from the USA

Image ID: 07916

Mayor of Newark and guests from the USA

Courtesy of The Newark Advertiser

Newark Town Hall
Newark on Trent

The photograph was taken on the occasion when the Mayor of Newark on Trent , Councillor J A Markwick, recorded a radio message for broadcast in Newark, New Jersey, USA. Wynford Vayghan Thomas recorded the message for the BBC and Ms Arlen spoke to the Mayor about the History of Newark on Trent. An article appeared in the Newark Advertiser on 30 April 1952, as follows; 'Another contact with Newark's daughter town in the USA was made on Friday when the Mayor of Newark, Councillor J A Markwick, recorded a message to Newark, New Jersey, in the Mayor's Parlour. The recording will be taken back and broadcast by Miss Margaret Allen, an American television star, who spent less than an hour in Newark. The Mayor was introduced to Miss Arlen on the recording by BBC Commentator Wynford Vaughan Thomas. After an informal interview, in which Miss Arlen asked questions about Newark on Trent, its church and its castle, the Mayor sent a message to the Newarks of America'. Shown here are Councillor J A Markwick, Mayor of Newark (right), in the interview conducted by Wynford Vaughan Thomas of the BBC (centre) with American TV personality Margaret Arlen (left).

Date: 25/04/1952

Organisation Reference: NCCE001722


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