Elston Towers - (Coeur de Lion Restaurant) Principal west facade and terrace

Image ID: 07540

Elston Towers - (Coeur de Lion Restaurant) Principal west facade and terrace

Courtesy of R Baker

Fosse way (A46)

The hall has had many uses over the years; a private house, an electronics and communications research centre, a maggot breeding factory, The Coeur De Lion Restaurant (seen here), and is now used as a country health club. It was originally called Middleton Towers and was built between 1872 and 1875 as a private house for one of Newark's most eccentric residents, Robert Middleton (1815-1877). He was the son of a successful Newark maltster, whose family home was in Lovers Lane. Upon inheriting the family fortune, he decided to build a house which incorporated a Baptist Chapel, which would allow him to follow what he considered to be his true calling of lay preaching, and which would allow worshippers to use his house almost as a place of pilgrimage. The home and chapel was built in an eclectic mixture of Tudor-Gothic-French styles, furnished lavishly and cost the huge sum (at that time) of

Date: 01/10/1990

Organisation Reference: NCCE001346


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