Mayor Appleby and Col. Tallents with the 6th Charter of Newark, granted to the town in 1677 by Charles II

Image ID: 42695

Mayor Appleby and Col. Tallents with the 6th Charter of Newark, granted to the town in 1677 by Charles II

Courtesy of Antoine

Town Hall
Newark on Trent

This charter was granted to the town in 1677 by Charles II 'In gratitude to them for their fidelity to my father' in the English Civil War of 1642-46. It granted to the people of Newark the privilege of returning two members of parliament. It also ratified and confirmed the rights and privileges granted in the previous five Royal Charters (of 1549, 1559, 1579, 1604 and 1626), and gave the right to hold two extra fairs each year. The advowson of the parish of Winthorpe was also given to the town, although this was sold in 1773 under an act to raise money for the building of Newark Town Hall. The occasion for this photograph was the rediscovery of the Charter in the offices of the Newark solicitors, Messrs. Tallents & Co., where it had lain undisturbed in a safe for at least 50 years. Following restoration work by the British Museum, it was returned to the town. See Newark Advertiser, 5th February 1966, p7 c1.

Date: 02/1966

Organisation Reference: NCCE001169


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