Cottages at 'Little Lunnon' just outside Scarrington, pre 1914

Image ID: 03162

Cottages at 'Little Lunnon' just outside Scarrington, pre 1914

Courtesy of A E Antram

Little Lunnon'

The group of around 14 mud and thatch cottages known as 'Little Lunnon' was located on the south side of Scarrington Village and were originally built as the village poor houses. They were believed to date from the mid 18th Century. Seven of the cottages were demolished in 1814, the final two in 1945. The nickname 'Lunnon' is thought to be an ironical colloquialism for 'London', where the poverty of the Nottinghamshire hamlet was contrasted with the bright lights and finery of the big city. For further information on 'Little Lunnon' see 'The Newark Advertiser', 15th January 1972, p17 or 23rd October 1998, p38.

Date: 1900 - 1914

Organisation Reference: NCCE000061


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