Woodthorpe Park Pierrots

Image ID: 25137

Woodthorpe Park Pierrots

Courtesy of Wilf Bagguley Collection

Woodthorpe Park

The area which is known now as Woodthorpe Park, was farmland in the 19th century. Then in 1871 the land came up for sale at auction and the auctioneers produced a sketch map of the area on which it was strongly suggested that a 50ft wide road should be built from Mansfield Road right through the heart of what is now known as Woodthorpe Park. This road was to serve the many villas which could have been built on the site but, fortunately for us, the houses were never built. Instead, John L. Thackeray of Arnold . Vale House bought the land and a short time later sold it onto Henry Ashwell, a master bleacher, who owned factories at Radford Road, New Basford, Nottingham. Ashwell bought the land in order to create his own estate complete with his private house, Woodthorpe Grange, which was built in 1874. In 1881 he was living there with his wife Sarah and his two unmarried daughters, Mary and Frances, two of his nieces and four servants.

Date: c 1920

Organisation Reference: NCCC001262


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