Lorry with crane hauling a lorry out of a hole in the corner-shop wall.

Image ID: 25101

Lorry with crane hauling a lorry out of a hole in the corner-shop wall.

Junction of Redhill Road and Mansfield Road

It was a lorry that ran into the shop. It was coming down the hill on Mansfield road, towards Nottingham, and had brake failure. It was big news at the time because the driver was trapped in the cab for a number of hours before they could pull the lorry free. The shop was once owned by a Mr Percy Holmes who had previously had a shop on Front Street. The smaller shop to the left was Easom's Fish and Chip shop. A Mr Attwood told us that when he joined the ambulance service in Arnold in 1970 he was told of a road accident in which a vehicle went into this building.

Date: 1955 - 1956

Organisation Reference: NCCC001226


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