Crowds gathered in Hucknall Market Place at the time of King George V's death

Image ID: 25038

Crowds gathered in Hucknall Market Place at the time of King George V's death

Courtesy of Harry Smith

Market Place

George V was born on 3rd June 1865 at Marlborough House, London, son of the future Edward VII and Princess Alexandra of Denmark. He was christened George Frederick Ernest Albert on 7th July 1865 and known as 'Georgie'. He entered the Royal Navy in 1877, becoming a vice-admiral in 1903. He married Queen Mary of Teck on 6th July 1893 in the Chapel Royal, St. James Palace. He had 6 children, his eldest son becoming Edward VIII in 1936, although he was never crowned, having abdicated in December 1936. George V's second son, became George VI in his stead. George V's other children were Mary, the Princess Royal, Prince Henry William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester, George Edward Alexander, Duke of Kent and Prince John Charles Francis. George V acceded to the throne upon the death of his father in 1910. It was George V who changed the official name of the monarchy to The House of Windsor in 1917, on July 17th, replacing the historic name of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha with its German connections which was no longer acceptable as the UK was at war with Germany. George V died of bronchitis at Sandringham on 20th January 1936 at Sandringham, Norfolk. As the news of King George V's death broke across a stunned nation in 1936, people in all walks of life mourned his passing. 'He [George V] was really beloved for there never was a man who did his duty better,' Grand Duchess Olga of Russia wrote to Lady Astor. His funeral took place 28th January 1936 at St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.

Date: Jan-36

Organisation Reference: NCCC001162


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