Unknown car rally (the Automobile Club's 1,000-mile tour of Britain in 1900), Clipstone, c 1900-20

Image ID: 21117

Unknown car rally (the Automobile Club's 1,000-mile tour of Britain in 1900), Clipstone, c 1900-20

Courtesy of Mansfield Museum and Art Gallery


The car has no registration plate. Car registration marks were first issued in London in 1903 (The first being the no. A1, and, as the letters and number were used up, later formats comprised of 2 letters and 4 numbers). The car shown here has a look about it that is a cross between a 'Veteran' Car (i.e. Vehicles built up-to and including December 1904), and the longer style bonnet of an 'Edwardian' car (i.e. Vehicles built from January 1905 and up-to and including December 1918). The style of clothes also suggests a date of anything between 1900-20. The man could perhaps have been participating in the 1900 Automobile Club's 1,000-mile tour of Britain. The following information is extracted from the Mansfield Reporter. '1900 May 18 (Fri prev.): Drivers on the Automobile Club's 1,000-mile tour of Britain took part in speed trials on the Duke of Portland's estate at Clipstone. As the venue had not been announced to the public, numerous local people mistakenly went to other spots on the Duke's estate, such as the Russian Log Hut.'

Date: 1905 - 1920

Organisation Reference: NCCW000401


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