All Hallows Church Bells, Arnold Lane, Gedling, 1902

Image ID: 19979

All Hallows Church Bells, Arnold Lane, Gedling, 1902

Courtesy of Nottingham and Notts Photographic Society

Arnold Lane

The bells shown are now the fifth (1595), sixth (1722), seventh (1617) and tenor (1759). The history of the church, as taken from their website ( states: As you walk up the South Path towards the 15th Century South Porch, the most striking part of this building, the 14th century tower and spire started abut 1320, can be gazed upon in all its magnificence. A spire of 91 feet surmounts a tower of 89 feet and is the second tallest spire in the county, Newark being slightly higher. The spire is noted for its 'entasis' or bulge. A line viewed from the tip to the base shows a slight curve, only barely discernible but which, if one looks upwards from the base of the spire completely cuts out a view of the tip of the spire. It is wholly of the 'Decorated' period of architecture. The present building is believed to have been preceeded by others of which no trace remains. A reference in the Doomsday book of 1086 may indicate a church here, and there may have been a Norman church later.

Date: 01/06/1902

Organisation Reference: DD/1915/1/230


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