Lovers Walk' on the River Trent Embankment during the Floods of 1947, West Bridgford

Image ID: 18000

Lovers Walk' on the River Trent Embankment during the Floods of 1947, West Bridgford

River Trent, Trentside
West Bridgford

A view of the floods on the River Trent, taken from the Nottingham side of the River, looking towards where County Hall stands today. Trent Bridge is in the distance. Exceptionally cold weather swept from Russia that year bringing snow and frost. As the snows melted, the River Trent burst its banks at Wilford and West Bridgford. The flood waters reached as far as Nottingham train station, and reached a record height of 79ft and 4 inches on the 19th of February. Houses in Wilford had water up to second floor bedrooms.

Date: 1947

Organisation Reference: NCCS001051


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