Abbey Street and The 14th century Priory Gatehouse

Image ID: 15695

Abbey Street and The 14th century Priory Gatehouse

Abbey Street

Showing houses, cross, and the Priory gatehouse at the far end. The Priory was founded on March 3rd 1103. An initial grant of monies and lands was made which founded the great Priory by the De Lovetot Lords of the Manor. (The modern East End, however, was only constructed in the 1970s, through a legacy from a former choir-boy.) The Canons of St Augustine were to establish Worksop Priory for the worship of God and the service of the local community and was dedicated to St. Mary & St. Cuthbert. The gatehouse, a tudor addition to the Priory, is considered to be 'one of the most interesting buildings in the county,' which features pre-reformation statuary, a wide late perpendicular tracery window and an unusual projecting wayside shrine to house an image of the Virgin. The shop at the far end on the left was the Priory Tavern.

Date: 26/08/1956

Organisation Reference: NCCN002298


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