Presentation of a Replica of the Tickhill Psalter

Image ID: 15687

Presentation of a Replica of the Tickhill Psalter

Memorial Avenue

Left to right: Town Clerk, Victory Queen, Councillor Harris, Mrs J Farr, Councillor Farr, Miss Hopper, Mrs Saxton and Superintendent Bullock at the presentation of the replica of the Tickhill Psalter. The Psalter is a rich source of information about life in the 14th Century, it was produced by John Tickhill Prior of Radford (Worksop) Priory, 1303-14. It seems certain that the illuminations in this manuscript are the work of a group of expert craftsmen who moved around the country working on contract. The cost of employing these men so long at Worksop may have been so great that it caused the dilapidating in other aspects of the Priory, including the buildings, and it may have led to John Tickhill's downfall. The Latin minuscule writing in all except the last section is by John Tickhill himself. It is very rare for the actual scribe of a medieval manuscript to be known by name. The Psalter is also Exceptional for its unique series of 482 Old Testament pictures almost entirely devoted to the life of David. The Psalter disappeared at the time of the Dissolution, probably stolen for safe keeping by the Earl of Shrewsbury. During the 18th Century it reappeared, this time in the library of the Earl of Dalkeith. In 1932 it was sold by Scotland to New York Public Library for

Date: 25/06/1946

Organisation Reference: NCCN002290


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