Rampton Hospital - interior - Corridor and cell doors

Image ID: 14891

Rampton Hospital - interior - Corridor and cell doors


Rampton high security hospital is set in 190 acres of landscape grounds near Rampton, Nottinghamshire. The site was opened in 1912 as a state asylum in 1912 under the Criminal Lunatics Act of 1860, and at its peak in the 1940s housed 1,300 patients. Today its 1,400 staff include more than 800 nurses, 30 medical staff and 150 professionals such as psychologists, social workers and teachers. Behind the main perimeter fence sits 14 high security main ward blocks and a further 14 secure 'villas' housing around 400 patients. About three-quarters of them have committed very serious crimes and are admitted for mental illness or psychopathic disorders. The rest have 'challenging behaviour' and have usually been transferred from other NHS hospitals, but are not criminals. Patients are detained under the Mental Health Act after doctors certify they need treatment under secure conditions on account of their 'dangerous, violent or criminal tendencies'. The hospital costs

Date: 1912 - 1920

Organisation Reference: NCCN001298


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