Closing sale in the yard of 'The Marquis of Granby' Hotel

Image ID: 14158

Closing sale in the yard of 'The Marquis of Granby' Hotel

East side of Carolgate

The inn is named after a distinguished soldier, John Manners, Marquis of Granby (1721-1770), who during the Seven Years' War, as Colonel of the Blues, headed a cavalry charge against the Germans at the Battle of Warburg but his wig blew off during the whirlwind gallop and his bald pate, glistening in the sun, became a guiding light for his men, an episode which has given the language the saying: 'Going for it bald-headed'. After his military campaigns, he set up his senior non-commissioned officers who had been disabled in action as innkeepers which largely accounts for the large number of inns throughout the country that bear his name.

Date: 1967

Organisation Reference: NCCN000559


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