Old Pit Trucks in Spring, Titchfield Park, Mansfield, c 1990s-2000s

Image ID: 12412

Old Pit Trucks in Spring, Titchfield Park, Mansfield, c 1990s-2000s

Courtesy of E Dunajewski

Titchfield Park

Titchfield Park is Mansfield's oldest public park. In the mid-19th century, an area of swampy land in Mansfield dissected by the River Maun was drained and began to be used by local people for informal recreation and for fairs. The Duke of Portland donated the land for the creation of a Public Recreational Park. By the 1880s further improvements were made to the site creating a more formal pleasure ground, including the construction of a bandstand and planting of an avenue of trees. By 1914 a paddling pool and bowling green had been added and that year the park was handed over by the Duke of Portland (when his son, The Marquis of Titchfield, came of age) to the Mansfield Corporation and named Titchfield Park. The park has suffered through vandalism and lack of development (although improvements have been made with the building of the Watermeadows Swimming baths). The Heritage Lottery Fund is to give a

Date: 1990 - 2000

Organisation Reference: NCCM000213


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