Artwork by Robert Kiddey, 'Alfred Rupert Sheldrake, Aged 6', Plaster, Newark on Trent, 1948

Image ID: 10198

Artwork by Robert Kiddey, 'Alfred Rupert Sheldrake, Aged 6', Plaster, Newark on Trent, 1948

Courtesy of Trevor Clayton / Sheldrake Family

King Street (Robert Kiddey's Studio)
Newark on Trent

Robert Kiddey (1900-1984) was a well known Newark based artist and sculptor.Rupert Sheldrake became a noted biochemist and plant physiologist, having gained his doctorate from Cambridge University. His many books include 'Seven Experiments that Could Change the World' (1995) and 'The Sense of Being Stared at' (2003). Kiddey's plaster bust of Rupert Sheldrake, commissioned in 1948, is painted green, its dimensions being 27cm by 15cm. Robert Kiddey was born at Nottingham in 1900. His gift for art made itself apparent at an early age, and at 14 he enrolled at Nottingham School of Art on Waverley Street. Following active service in the First World War as a private in the Notts & Derbys Regiment of Foot, he came to Newark in 1931 as an art teacher at the newly opened Technical College. From that time onwards he made Newark his permanent home and over the years set up his studio in a number of places around the town _ on the wharf, in the market place, and latterly in a former infant school at 5a King Street. It was from these locations in the heart of Newark that he produced an impressive variety of sculptures, carvings and paintings that were destined to grace not only the walls of private homes and public buildings (including Southwell Minster), but also to receive due recognition at the Royal Academy and showings at some of the art world

Date: 01/04/1993

Organisation Reference: NCCE004200


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