Norman Doorway, Elston Chapel, Old Chapel Lane, Elston

Image ID: 10093

Norman Doorway, Elston Chapel, Old Chapel Lane, Elston

Courtesy of Peabody Collection

Old Chapel Lane

Inscriptions in left-hand jamb of door read: RF 1717 RB; believed to be the initials of Robert Footitt and Robert Blackmoore, carved in 1717. This is the most significant external feature of the chapel, the zig-zag decoration being nearly a thousand years old. Although the chapel is Norman, much of the fabric dates from the 14th and 15th centuries. In the early 19th century it was refitted simply with pine pews and a gallery, but after decades of disuse and decay the chapel was placed in the care of the Trust. Recent work has uncovered several layers of wall paintings, the latest being Georgian biblical texts. A large royal coat of arms is featured on the north wall. [Taken from: ]

Date: 1900 - 1999

Organisation Reference: NCCE004095


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